Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta gamification. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta gamification. Mostrar todas las entradas

14 ene 2015

“Discover the Plasma”, a Grifols’ educational project in collaboration with aCanelma

The project:

Discover the Plasma, Medium School Project, aims to bring students closer to Grifols business activities, promoting the integration and interaction of the company into its closest community. Furthermore, students are transversely learning and working on certain content included in their school’s curriculum corresponding level, in the area of science education

This project has been possible thanks to the partnership program between Johnston County Schools, Johnston Community College and Grifols, with aCanelma's collaboration in the educational conceptualization, pedagogical contents creation, web development, illustration and graphic edition.


The project has different elements: a Student's book and Teacher's guide (with a Web microsite associated with each one: a virtual laboratory resources “VIRTUAL LAB” and a teachers’ website “VIRTUAL LAB teachers’ resources”). In order to properly implement the program, in their guide teachers will find methodological indications that analyze, page by page, the different elements that compose the Student book.

The program has been scheduled in 5 classroom sessions (plus certain preliminary tasks that students must perform outside the classroom). The five units that make up the program consist of two parts each. Each of these parts is divided into different sequences:

  • Research (previous activities, to be performed before the classroom session).
  • Share (activities to be performed collaboratively in the classroom, except for some of them, which must be carried out individually).
  • Conclude (conclusion and reflection activities, mainly designed to be performed individually).

Educational bases:

1.       Inquiry Based Learning (IBL)

For this project we have designed a learning model based on research/consultation (IBL - Inquiry Based Learning) and all resources and activities are designed to support learning, research and reflection processes.

2.       Flipped Classroom

On the other hand, the project’s methodology, which is focused on the IBL approach, is also based on what is known as the Flipped Classroom concept (meaning reversal learning, in which students must consult certain initial key content at home, and then share it in the classroom where a more experiential learning occurs, using interaction skills and pooling and reflecting.).

In fact, the Flipped Classroom approach nicely complements the IBL project approach. Furthermore, this methodology facilitates attention to diversity.

3.       Motivational setting: Narrative thread and Gamification

The project has a narrative thread so the students focus better on the materials, which are based on different guide-characters. These characters accompany students during different stages of the process.

We’ve thought it would be also interesting to include in the program a motivational component based directly on Gamification. It is a good strategy to make the process attractive and motivate students. 

The approach to gamification in this project is developed with the sequential approach of different Assignments and Challenges. There is an established scoring dynamic, which allows students to get different badges (in relation to each of the units that make up the program).

The ultimate goal is for each student (initially a "rookie") to get a Grifols Expert. Once completed, they all get a customized Diploma and a Card, depending on their involvement in the program and their performance in activities and exercises in each unit, along the whole process.


Special thanks to Grifols, for this opportunity; Schools Johnston and Johnston County Community College, for the collaboration and feedbacks; and also to aCanelma team for this project, composed by: Vincenç Huguet, Laia Vilaseca, Mireia Usart, Pau Gámez, Jordi Martos, Sergi Carles, Jeremy Williams and Alicia Cañellas.

19 mar 2014

Taula rodona: "Aprendre i potenciar la innovació a l'empresa"

Fa uns mesos es va cel·lebrar, al Cercle d'Economia de Barcelona, la Jornada "Ser digital", organitzada per la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC).

Us adjuntem el vídeo de la taula rodona "Aprendre i potenciar la innovació a l'empresa", en la qual va participar l'Alicia Cañellas, d'@aCanelma.

28 ene 2014

Propuestas didácticas: Gamificación en las aulas

Recursos didácticos orientados a la Gamificación / Ludificación. 

Cómo gamificar ciertas dinámicas en el aula. Ejemplos para Educación Infantil, Primaria y Secundaria.

Elaborados por @acanelma para SM Conectados. ¡Esperamos os resulten inspiradores!

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